The government has issued new guidelines for offices


New Delhi: Four phases of lockdowns have been launched in the country to combat corona. Now the fifth phase of Lockdown Done, or Unlock Lockdown 1.0, has begun. However, many of the restrictions imposed on Lockheed have been eased. Many government and ministry officials have recently been diagonised with coronary heart disease. The Secretary of Defense was recently diagnosed with coronary heart disease, while the Ministry of Labor, the Election Commission and the PIB office were identified yesterday. The government has introduced new rules to prevent the spread of coronary heart disease. Has issued new guidelines for government departments and employees. “The rescue squad wasn’t called for him,” she told the Associated Press. All officers are required to comply with all of these rules.While there are rules for non-symptomatic employees to come to the office. It is recommended to stay home if you have a common cold or cough. Similarly, no office zone can be opened in the Continent Zone. Employees will be present in Office 8 or less than 20. Emphasis is placed on adhearing to all social rules. Similarly, employees in the office are prohibited from meeting or meeting. All officers and employees are required to wear masks. Even masks have been made mandatory for drivers, security guards and guards. It is recommended that you wash your hands regularly with soap. Spitting is a punishable offense. It is alleged that the ambassador provided the information to Hussein during a telephone conversation with Hussein.


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